Fall is fast approaching and brings with it one of my favorite things–football season! While I love the cooler weather, beautiful colors and pumpkin spice everything, the thing I am most excited about is watching my favorite football teams on the field.
The precision it takes to put a team strategy together, execute the proper plays, and strategize a winning game plan is so fascinating to me! This requires communication between a number of coaches–each an expert in his or her own area–to make sure everything works according to plan.
Just as there are coaching specialists in football–quarterback coaches, offensive and defensive specialists, for example–we humans have our own set of specialists available to us. We can choose to have the guidance of Spirit communicating with us as we navigate our daily life. However, because we are free to choose whether or not to accept that guidance, we must invite our specialty guides in to assist us. Our guides will not interfere with our earthly lives unless we ask, so we must call them in daily to work with us.
Just as the NFL chooses top level coaches for its athletes, we want to use top level guides in our own life. A professional football team would not hire someone who did not excel at working with elite athletes. Likewise, you want the highest level guides to assist you in your life. Create your command carefully as you call in your specialist to help you.
Our power words are very important in commanding our Spirit guide. Choose words like divine, sacred, holy, or pure. You are asking for assistance in living in the light of Source, so you absolutely want the most divine and sacred guides working with you. You deserve to have the guide who is most Divine and Sacred to work intimately with you.
How do you connect to your spirit guides
Be clear with your words. Vague requests will elicit a vague response from the Spirit world. There are specialists for everything in the nonphysical world, just as there are specialists for almost everything in the physical world. A command to “help me” or a question such as “Can you?” or “Will you?” may not be met with much of an answer. Be precise–exactly what do you need help with?
For example, let’s say you would like assistance in receiving more intuitive wisdom for yourself. Here is an example of a clear command:
“I now call out for a Divine and Sacred Guide who excels in working with me (insert your name), to receive accurate intuitive information. Come to me now.”
Make the command as brief and clear as possible. When a coach on the sideline calls the next play for the team, he definitely means what he says! Spirit will respond to clarity and deliver information to you when you choose your words carefully. It’s best to keep the command brief and to the point. Extra words often just add confusion to the request.
Begin to practice creating your own commands to your specialists. Think of the areas of your life that need some guidance. Choose your words precisely to ask for exactly what you want, call in one of those specialists now and begin to develop your very own winning team!
What a wonderful and timely offering today! Thank you, Betty Ann ❤️??❤️