And Why Is It A Big Deal?
A toroidal field (toroidal is based on the word “toroid” that simply means doughnut shaped) that looks like this is what we medical intuitives would like to see when we observe your energy field. Because we are electromagnetic beings, we have an energetic body as well as a physical one. That energy is not contained inside our skin, but the aliveness inside of us pushes out into our world when energy is flowing well. Think of it like a fountain. Water pushes up from the base of the fountain, it rises up and cycles back around again. The cycle is up AND down, it’s a constant flow.
Toroidal Field Human Body
This flow of energy is natural, but as we interact with others throughout our day we sometimes are affected by negative thoughts or actions by those we encounter, as well as our own thoughts and emotions. That can affect the flow of our personal fountain! We feel best when our energy is moving freely in that toroidal shape. Taking charge of our own energies and the cycle of them will help to keep our field strong and robust.
How To Create a Toroidal Field
Because energy follows our thoughts, the first step in directing the flow of our toroidal field is to consciously think of that flowing fountain in terms of our own energies. Many people talk about placing energetic barriers around themselves to provide a layer of protection from uncomfortable situations and difficult people. Often those barriers are created from a place of fear. I much prefer the idea of using our energies to shine from the inside out. Energizing the toroidal field makes us powerful from the center of our being–our light shines out into our world and the people and situations that affect us every day.
Toroidal Flow
The more you are aware of the toroidal field and its importance, the easier it will become to be in charge of your own thoughts and emotions. Just as we shower every day to get rid of yesterday’s dirt, we want to be sure to “power up” energetically each day also. Do this throughout your day and see what you notice!