Receiving intuitive information is something we are all capable of doing. Little children are particularly good at it, but as we grow, we listen to others who tell us that what we perceive can’t possibly be true. Many of us have a memory of an adult telling us that the picture we just drew isn’t accurate–dogs aren’t blue, people don’t have a golden light around them, for example. We were likely receiving intuitive information or perceiving that person’s aura when those images came to mind. As we age we tend to let our intuitive talents fade away as we become more and more settled into this physical world.
Physical signs of intuition
Begin to notice all of the ways that information comes to you. Did you just “know” something even before it happened, did you hear a voice or sound, get a certain taste in your mouth, feel a sudden emotion, or even get a picture in your mind’s eye? Because this information comes from the non-physical, it always feels a bit like a movie or just your imagination. We are receiving information all the time, particularly in this day and age.
Characteristics of intuitive thinking
How do you know you didn’t just imagine the answer you just received?
Intuition will never stop feeling like you just imagined it because intuition is information on a vibrational level. It is coming from the non-physical universe that is within you and surrounds you at the same time. It is not solid like the chair you are sitting on. When it comes to you it will never stop feeling like you just dreamed it up or made it up in your mind. Did you really take in that information just now? It will never stop feeling like you just invented it. Once you make this leap you are on your way to becoming a skilled intuitive for yourself.
Tina Zion Be Your Own Medical Intuitive
Am I intuitive?
To begin to recognize what is coming to you intuitively, try these three steps:
1. Practice the Pause
Pause for just a moment, slow down for a second.
2. Notice
Allow yourself to gently receive information, just as an antenna receives a radio signal. Our bodies and our world are sending us messages every day, and if we can learn to pay attention we will open ourselves to a whole new dimension of awareness! Most of the time these sensations are subtle, but sometimes they may be as obvious as the pink truck in the first blog post. Don’t work too hard, just begin to notice.
3. Physical signs of intuition
Absolutely trust the information you have noticed as truth. If you have truly followed the steps your thinking mind hasn’t had time to get in your way and you can trust that the message that popped in has meaning.
Synchronicity is the world naturally communicating with you….acknowledge synchronicity as it happens to you. Recognize these moments of messages as the universe comes together to speak to you in symbolic stories. Each time is magical twinkling in your personal life.
Tina M. Zion Be Your Own Medical Intuitive