What Is An Energetic Cord?
If you have visited an energy healer, you may have heard them speak about energetic cords or perhaps experienced them “cutting a cord” that seems to be attached to you somehow. But what does that really mean and why is it important?

Because we are electrical beings, when we have an interaction with another person, we form a connection. Our thoughts extend out past our physical bodies and are enhanced with an emotion. Whether positive or negative or somewhere in between, our thoughts are filled with this energy that connects us to another person. This is often called “cording” among energy workers. In her book, Advanced Medical Intuition, Tina Zion says:
“Energetic cords are created when a great amount of positive and negative emotion is involved.”
There are many types of cords, those that are beneficial and some that are not so positive.

When we have a loving relationship with another, such as between a mother and child, the cord may appear fine, light, flexible, and perhaps shimmery or translucent. However, when a relationship is not so positive, a cord might appear dark, heavy, tangled and even be filled with knots.
You may have heard about the “silver cord” that is present at the base of our spine. It is the connection between the body and the higher self and keeps us grounded into our physical body. Various situations can cause the silver cord to loosen, such as surgeries, illness, and accidents. The loosening of the silver cord is a natural part of the dying process.

Frequently the energy from the cord flows toward the person who experiences the most intense emotion in the relationship. Location of the cord is important also. A person who desires to control another might cord into someone at the level of the head. There may be an attachment at the level of the heart from a broken relationship, or at the solar plexus area (the center of our personal power) from someone who wants to show their power over another. Bitter or angry interactions with another person may create a negative cord between you.

A medical intuitive will be able to see and sense details about the cord such as its location, the appearance of it, and which way the energy is flowing in the cord–all of which are important in determining what to do about it. However, there are steps you can take also to ensure that the cord is removed.
Simple Cord Cutting Ritual
What might you notice if you have a cord attached to you? A fine, light, flexible and shimmering cord will not cause a problem. However, a cord that is heavier, darker, or thicker is another story. Is there a person in your life who is always challenging to interact with? Do you often feel worn out and exhausted without being able to determine the cause? Do you frequently feel burdened and unable to cope?
First, think of removing the cord rather than cutting it. If you and I are each holding a rope and someone comes along and cuts it in the middle, we both still have a part of it. For a complete and permanent healing, the cord should be removed and not cut.

Tina Zion suggests steps for cord removal in her book, Be Your Own Medical Intuitive:
- Call out for a divine and sacred guide who specializes in removing negative cords. Pause and allow yourself to notice or sense when the guide arrives.
- Notice the direction the cord seems to be flowing. In other words, did you create it and send it to the other person, or did someone connect in with you?
- Clearly command the following to the specialist if someone else corded into you:
Completely and permanently remove every root, every particle of the negative cord out of my body, my mind, my spirit, and my soul now! Completely transform it into divine, unconditional love and send it back to the person who sent it now!
- Call out for your divine and sacred healing specialist and command:

Completely and permanently fill every single space and place where that negativity used to be with vitality, cellular health, unconditional love.
- You must actively participate with your specialist to allow the healing to happen and also to actively receive the goodness to come into you.
The most positive and permanent healing for a cord attachment is to remove it to fully allow positive changes. We are each powerful beings who can heal ourselves in order to lead the vibrant lives we came here to live!