Ways Deceased Loved Ones Communicate
As a medical intuitive, deceased people appear to me at times with messages for their loved ones in the physical world. I am delighted to be able to communicate with them as they make themselves known in unique ways.

Most of the time, my experience with this communication has been rather brief–a quick message from a deceased loved one for a client who is scheduled to come for a session, a confused person in spirit who appears somewhere in my home or in a public place, and the occasional spirit passenger in my car as I travel to my office. Sometimes the encounters are more ongoing, as is the one in this case.

I was quite surprised about a year ago to see my good friend’s recently deceased husband appear in front of me one morning as I finished my meditation. My friend was extremely distraught over the loss of her beloved husband. Now here he was, literally down on one knee, frantically begging me to connect with his wife to deliver several messages. I felt an urgency and a bit of desperation in his pleading. My friend had recently begun a new job and the first thing he said was, “Tell her not to quit her job.” He indicated that he was quite proud of the accomplishments she had made in her career and now had an opportunity to watch her excel in her new role. He also gave information about the location of important papers that would be needed to make final arrangements, details about attending to maintenance of their home, but most urgently wanted her to know that she needed to remain strong and present for their sons.

My friend, deep in her grief, was unable at first to recognize her husband’s presence at all. He continued to come to me fairly often. A retired ophthalmologist, he almost always began by telling me to clean my glasses. (My glasses are almost always covered with fingerprints!) He enjoyed getting my attention by turning lights on in the middle of the night, playing with electrical appliances, and frequently appearing across the room as I sat in meditation.
As I shared these messages with my friend, she began to sense moments of her husband’s presence herself in her own home. Lights would flicker as she talked to him while alone in her house. She began to sense him as she did her own daily spiritual practices. My friend had never lived alone and was extremely concerned about her ability to handle the details of everyday life–taxes, home repairs, and maintenance of their properties. She began to notice that the repairmen she reached out to just happened to have an immediate opening, or could help her with little extras that were unrelated to the job they had come to do. Things just seemed to fall into place much more easily than she had expected.

My favorite story involves her getting their home ready for winter. Her husband had mentioned to her before his passing that he must get the home ready for possible freezing temperatures by disconnecting the hose from the outdoor faucet, but he passed away before he did this. When she attempted to remove the hose, the connection on the faucet was so tight that she was unable to loosen it by herself. Frustrated, she went inside to enlist the help of her son. When the two of them went back outside to disconnect the hose from the faucet, it was so loose that it practically fell off the house!

The best part of all of this is that in communicating these messages to my friend, she has begun to see that her husband IS around, that he DOES communicate with her, and that there is still a connection. She can now recognize that communication even as it comes in subtle ways. She recently shared that she heard him say her name loudly as she was almost asleep, and felt him touch her face.
He still comes to me occasionally, but now he stands further back as he checks in. Frequently, he comes to visit at times that are particularly difficult for my friend. I sometimes wake up to my under cabinet lighting shining brightly in the middle of the night. (I seldom use this lighting and the switch is an unusual one, so it’s always a sign from Spirit for me.) I know these messages are meant for me to remember to reach out to my friend. The lights were bright in the middle of the night in my house around Valentine’s Day as their son delivered his ashes to the river Ganges as he had wished. Recently, as family and friends gathered to memorialize him, he appeared to me to say that he would also be visiting the festivities that surrounded the celebration of his life.

This is not to say that the journey has been easy for my dear friend–they were a very devoted couple and she is still adjusting to an enormous loss. But the beauty in it all is that she now understands the continuity of the spirit. As intuitives and mediums, the opportunity to assist our clients and friends in realizing the eternity of our souls is the ultimate honor and privilege. I am so blessed to be able to do this work and be able to recognize the beautiful signs and messages that come from the spirit world. When we assist our clients in realizing that love is what remains even when our deceased loved ones are no longer physically present, we are doing the most important work of all.