All New One-Day Class
Gut Feelings
A Fun Guide to Trusting Your Intuition

Are you curious about those intuitive nudges that keep coming to you? Do you ever wonder if you should listen to them?
Perhaps you’re like I was, thinking that intuition is a very special gift that only a few people possess — and certainly not me.
That is not true.
Signs Your Intuition Is Telling You Something
We are ALL intuitive. It’s not a special gift — and there are steps you can take to be more intuitive.
In this interactive class we will explore ways to become more aware of the information that is coming to you, every day.
I am excited to share my practice exercises that will show you how much wisdom you are already receiving, and put to rest any fears you may have about working with your intuition.
Imagine feeling more confident and comfortable as you explore your intuition.
Bring lots of questions and plan to have fun tapping into your intuitive mind!
Gut Instincts You Should Never Ignore
If you’ve ever wondered how to tap into your intuition and trust your gut feeling, this is the class for you.
See you October 26th at The Sundry.
Trust your gut!
OCTOBER 26, 2024
at The Sundry
1150 W. 81st St, Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64114

I look forward to working with you, and showing you how intuitive you are!