Online, Phone, or In Person
$125 / one session
$350 / three sessions
In addition to the systems in our physical bodies such as the cardiovascular system, respiratory system and nervous system, we are also energetic beings with a well-developed energetic field surrounding us. Most, if not all, physical symptoms have an emotional and spiritual component that impact our health as well.
Medical intuition can help the client realize the essence of issues they are having and enable them to use this awareness to understand the best way to heal. Our bodies naturally want to be healthy and medical intuition is key in strengthening the mind-body connection to allow healing.
Betty Ann Dean’s Medical Intuition sessions have been eye opening and on point. They have grounded my understanding of the profound effects that life experiences have on physical and emotional health. Her work is sterling.
Mary Forcade
Medical intuition FAQs
What is Medical intuition?
There is much more to medical intuition than simply perceiving medical conditions in the physical body. Medical intuitives look at the whole picture for the client–the emotional, spiritual, environment, relationships, traumas, past lives–and how they relate to the client’s well being.
CLICK HERE to listen to leading podcast hosts interview Betty Ann Dean about being a Medical intuitive.
How does knowing this information help me?
Once the root cause of the problem is identified, the medical intuitive can then suggest “homework” for the client to incorporate the healing from the session so that there is a lasting positive change for them. I feel strongly that my clients should be involved in their own healing process.
Does the practitioner need to know my medical history?
No. In fact, I ask my clients not to share details of their situation so that I may perceive without bias. Even if I know your diagnosis I will look for what is most prominent in your energy field. Once I have shared my initial impressions you are welcome to ask questions and fill in details.
How does a Medical intuitive get this information? Is this some kind of special gift you have?
Intuition is absolutely natural and we all have the gift of being intuitive. This is absolutely NOT a special gift, it’s a matter of learning to notice the information in the energy field. We are physical beings but the non-physical world is very much a part of us also. Intuitives have learned to gather information from both worlds. Intuition comes to us all in many ways–that “gut” feeling, a knowing, or perhaps hearing, or seeing clairvoyantly, even tasting or smelling.
What if you find out I have a serious illness? Do you share that information?
I am a registered nurse but I am not licensed to diagnose a medical condition. However, I might suggest that you have a situation checked out with a medical professional. Medical intuition provides a true blend of Western and alternative medicine.
Will you suggest changes in my medication or perhaps advise against a medical procedure?
Absolutely not! Again, I am only sharing what I see in your energy field and will never tell you to stop a prescribed medication, avoid a surgery, or cancel a planned treatment prescribed by your physician.
What is a session actually like?
When I book a session with a client, I ask them not to share what is going on physically with them so that I may be more credible. The information will come as pure intuition.
I begin every session by connecting with my Divine, Sacred, and Pure guides to ask them for a sacred space for our time together. I always ask for your permission to look into your energy field–perhaps there is a hole, a tear, or the aura just isn’t as strong as it should be. From there, I again ask your permission to look into your physical body to determine any issues that might be happening. Although I can scan from head to toe, I am almost always drawn to an area that is most affected energetically. I consider the work we do together to be a very sacred space and would never proceed without your permission.
There are many reasons for physical illness–trapped emotions in the physical body, a current or past relationship that needs healing, or thoughts and emotions causing illness, for example. My medical intuitive work also includes taking the cause of the problem in the physical body to a healing. Every physical illness also involves an emotional component. It’s possible that a deceased loved one might appear with a message for you, which can be very healing as well.
I almost always give my clients some type of “homework” to continue after the session. This allows you to participate in the healing–I find it much more powerful when we work together for the best possible outcome. My hope is that my clients notice a positive change in their lives, which defines healing to me.
There are some things I will never do in a session. I do not use oracle cards during a reading, the information is purely intuitive. I also will not diagnose an illness (although I might suggest you check out a symptom with a practitioner who is licensed to do so) or tell you to stop taking a medication or supplement. However, I will relay the information that comes through honestly so that you may interpret it as feels right to you.
I consider this work to be sacred and will always deliver information in a compassionate manner. I guarantee that our time together will be completely focused on you and your healing. My greatest wish for my clients is that they find the session helpful, healing and hopeful.
How many sessions do I need?
Most of us have had a multitude of life experiences! You might be dealing with a short term problem that could easily be resolved in a session or two, or something more complicated that has roots in childhood or even a past life. While I never push you to schedule multiple sessions, doing several sessions is often beneficial to get a deeper understanding of how all of those things are contributing to our current life.
A Medical intuition session can be done in person, by phone or Zoom.