Baby Steps to Success
The holidays are behind us and a new year is just around the corner. Will the year ahead be different for you this time, or will 2023 be following the same patterns as every other year? There is much talk after the holidays about New Year’s resolutions, goals for next year, getting fit, getting organized, improving relationships, and a fresh start in January. Will this be the year you act on those resolutions or will they just be forgotten in a few weeks?
As a healer–and as a personal fitness trainer before that–I have seen some pretty elaborate lists of changes and resolutions (and I’ve made them myself!). Clients frequently brought impossibly long lists of goals they wanted to achieve to our annual New Year’s Challenge teams…and were frequently back the next year with similar lists. Those who actually incorporated those changes were few. So what’s the magic ingredient for those who were successful vs. those who were not? Why do some succeed while so many others fail to incorporate lasting change?
How to take baby steps
Making changes is more than just making lists of things we hope to accomplish someday. Lasting change demands taking some sort of action to accomplish those changes, and it also involves some inspiration behind the desire to change. In the metaphysical world, we frequently speak of “intending” in order to manifest what we would like to have more of in our lives. What does it mean to create an intention?
Tina Zion, in her book, Become a Medical Intuitive, states:
In the metaphysical paranormal world, intent has become an empty word and not an action…To me, intent is deliberately creating focused thought to accomplish something…Consciously directing your personal thought energy is what is known as intent. Get in charge of your thoughts and you get in charge of your energy and you get in charge of your life. You are the creator.”
I realized the emptiness of the word “intent” myself earlier this year. I knew it was time for me to grow my healing practice. I began by hiring a wonderful website designer (kudos to Nancy Fields of Fields Graphic Design) and worked with her to create my professional site. When the process was finally complete I sat back to enjoy my beautiful new website. Surely the Universe could see that I was ready to move ahead in my business, right? After a while I began to realize that while Spirit is most anxious to provide what we are asking for, I must take some action myself, applying the passion I have for my work as an intuitive to get the wheels moving. As I began to speak more about my work, reach out to others, and focus on what I hoped to accomplish by setting some clear goals, the momentum began to increase and I am so very pleased with what has unfolded. Almost every day I am able to see my clients bring their own passions to their lives.
Baby steps are still progress
Esther Hicks, who channels Abraham (www.abraham-hicks.com) frequently asks: “You are knowing what you are wanting?” While that seems like a ridiculously easy question, DO you know exactly what you are hoping to accomplish? What is one tiny step you could take toward moving toward your goal? What is one little thing you could do to change the trajectory of your life? Moving ahead, taking a small step, even if you are not sure of the whole process, can bring big changes. What is the passion behind what you are hoping to create in your life? What do you truly love to do?
As Zion says,
Take action that feels deeply comfortable and smooth in the depth of your gut. The more you live your truth and live your dreams the healthier, happier and wiser you become.”
Isn’t that the best New Year’s resolution of all?
Love all of this Betty Ann! You are amazing!!